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L'actualité sans censure- The uncensored news blog

23 août 2011

Amy Winehouse: une victime supplémentaire du pharma?

Alors que tout le monde avait associé sa mort à une overdose d'une substance illégale, l'autopsie d'Amy Winehouse n'a révélé aucune trace de drogues dans le sang.

Ne venait-elle pas de sortir de cure de désintoxication peu de temps avant sa mort? 

Cela expliquerai l'absence de drogues dures (héroine, cocaine..) dans son domicile. Cependant, il y a de grandes chances que la police soit tombée sur des médicaments légales qui lui avaient été fort probablement prescrits lors de son séjour en centre de désintox......

Sa mort restera donc un mystère vu que ces derniers ne seront pas mis en cause.

Fin de l'histoire.


1 juillet 2011

Sterilization= new car, tv, or food blender!

Health officials in the region of Rajasthan (India) are trying to lure couples into getting sterilised in exchange of a "freebie" such as a bran new Tata Nano! See here!

This campaign is aimed at controlling and reducing population growth in this highly populated area. Other regions in India are offering similar compensations. 

For a Westerner's point of view this may seem like a sensible thing to do.

-Get the poor, large family prone people of underdeveloped countries in control. Stop them spreading like rats!

-Or, as the more compassionate would say: maybe this is the best solution for these people


Allowing such methods is yet again giving more control to the bodies of authority in controlling and directing the population into enslavement.

In similar terms, widespread abortion in the West is another powerful method. In this case, material goods aren't offered but the course of action has been put into place by using empowering concepts such as choice and freedom (girl/women power, the concept of the Western Independent women....). 

This is a vast, complex and highly censured subject so we will certainly come back to it powerfully! 

25 juin 2011

The time we will want out #2

Waiting and expecting, fighting and demonstrating for a "leader" to improve things is an action of inaction!

In times of crisis and unpredictability, most of us react as white sheep and simply look up to our sheppard with question marks glistening in our eyes. We listen to the supposed leaders and experts and hope to find an answer to what we should do next. Our objective and critical levels at this time are dangerously low, allowing experts, leaders and covert third parties in gaining colossal power over our freedom and bodies.

A clear example is the H1N1 "epidemic": the population (white sheep) didn't ask questions about the causes of the virus, its raison d'être; they just panicked. The experts couldn't answer how dangerous it was, didn't provide any evidence of it been significantly or any different from an ordinary flu virus (kills a number of people every year).

The experts pushingly advised to go through vaccination as a preventive measure, and to consume a dosage of anti-viral medication Tamiflu as a cure.

Months later, the flu was as world widely deadly as a grass snake. The Tamiflu drug and the vaccine were criticised. However, the experts remained experts! 

A percentage of sheep nevertheless do ask questions, pest and manifest: the black sheep. 

But, even these sheep (i.e. the Spanish Indignant demonstrating for "true" democracy), while creating mild havoc on the surface, still have a tendency in demanding change and guidance from those aboveThe latter who, in much greater proportion than Mr XYZ, contributed in creating the exact situation despised and countered by the black sheep. So, how are these "leaders" in any advantageous position in providing us with intelligent and un-egoistical step by step solutions? 

These sheep do, at certain times, carry out great action against the system. This takes place when they don't chant around requesting action and dynamism from the "you know whos" but take on a direct and bold opposition stance against the system.

In the H1N1 instance, a number of black sheep claimed that the vaccination mission was unfounded and potentially harmful. This resulted in a growing debate about the decisions (and investments) that were been taken. However, before the debates amounted into open accusations, the flu pandemic quite rapidly waned and faded. The press began barking about different matters.

When the time we will want out will come, we will be looking within ourselves for guidance and not towards the stoned pillars of the system.

Till next time!




24 juin 2011


Fukushima bouillonne toujours, la presse ose à peine l'évoquer: la centrale émet encore et encore plus de radioactivité....

Voici le questionnement de Jean-Jacques Crèvecoeur en rapport avec cette situation. Je vous conseille de le lire pour en faire votre propre opinion.  Vous y trouverez également des liens vers d'autres sites et blogs qui en parlent SANS CENSURE

22 juin 2011

The time we will want out #1

The current system in which the majority of us live, will fall to its knees.

By system, we think not only of the financial system but all that is ponderous in our lives: the medical system, educational system, political system, social system, thought system, art and culture system and so on to the very core of our perception system.

This may seem unimaginable or impossible to out-live. But, it must be so to avoid a fatal ending to human mankind and, before that, a worldwide enslaving of the population.

To ensure one's freedom and that of others, we must out-do the system and allow the system to crumble. The gradual enslaving will not be induced by armies or physical force but by fuelling the illusion that life is not possible beyond the system. This thought has the capacity to turn any individual into a soldier.

Work in progress...

21 juin 2011

Coming SOON:

The time we will want out!

A subjective yet undeniably accurate discourse of how our current system will collapse in the years to come.

21 juin 2011

Safety and security, health & safety, fear = control

Needless to provide a lenghty talk about how "fear" is a widely propagated mean in gaining a high level of control over the population.

The health & safety brigade at its worst is a radical weapon.

Here is another example from the BBC news website how companies will be using their employees' mobile phones to keep an even closer eye on the latter's whereabouts. The telecom companies and all above themwill also be able to throw in a glance or two!



30 mai 2011

Les dessous de la piraterie somalienne...

Alors que la presse nous les présente comme des sauvages complets, il y aurait à la base d'autres justifications quant aux prises d'otages par les pirates somaliens. Voir la vidéo ici.

Celle-ci est intéressante car elle soutient le fait que chez les "occidentaux", on nous présente qu'une face de la réalité:la violence gratuite et sauvage.Tandis que le désespoir des pêcheurs locaux et les dégats occasionés par les cargos en question sont jetés aux oubliettes.

Notre perception est continuellement dirigée par les médias (voir post "should we care what we share!")


8 mai 2011

Should we care what we share?

This is the title of a BBC article about social technology, as I like to call it; demonstrating a debate between a well-read blogger (right now that won't be me) and the author of Digital Vertigo: An Anti-Social Manifesto.

For the blogger, Jeff Jarvis, the heat is on personal choice. It's your decision to reveal aspects or the entirety of your private life. Nobody is forcing your hand. On the other side, Andrew Keen debates how individuals have in reality little control over what they are writing/posting/uploading. Some individuals might quickly loose foot in the wilderness of this interconnected virtual world.

So, is it just a question about been overly extrovert or introvert and finding the right dosage of input?

As the writer explains ""It's this eruption of new social products, services, platforms. It means that the generation to come I don't think will have the choice that Jeff has the luxury to make."

Anonymity and privacy are soon to be (if not already, Mr Keen was indeed using the word luxury) scarce resources. Please take note!

Now, what isn't mentioned in the article is how all this data of personal information is processed and used and by who? We not only will have the whole world looking into our personal life but have the whole world perceive our life in a directed way.

See how the media influences public opinion about celebrities or politicians: the right word, the right pictures are used at the right time.

In addition, the beauty of the internet these days is that everything seems so easy, accessible and subtle.

The changes are pervesely constant and are designed to increasingly adapt to each individual. We are therefore at great risk of being subjected to information (stimuli) that in the long term will most certainly influence our behaviour and life.

This is a discussion in progress...







28 avril 2011

Réveil du matin, réveil malin!

Qui d'entre vous a délaissé son bon vieux réveil matin pour ne plus qu'utiliser son téléphone portable? Ce sacré portable a déjà remporté la mise sur pas mal d'objets (gps, appareil photos, laptops...).

D'ailleurs, il est devenu tellement multi-fonctionnel et présent qu'on s'interroge peu sur cet envahissement généralisé à tel point qu' Apple aurait discrètement envahie ses I-phones d'une puce (telle un ver dans une pomme) qui enregistre tous les déplacements du portable et donc de vous si vous en possédez un et le trimballez partout.

C'est sur le site très actif et recommandable de Pierre Jovanovic

où vous pourrez retrouver l'article qui cite cette nouvelle orwellienne, prédictible et trop peu dispersée.

Ps: Apple ne devrait plus s'appeler comme telle mais Worm (ver en anglais)!



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L'actualité sans censure- The uncensored news blog